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How are Braces Placed and Answers to the Most Common FAQ's!

May 20th, 2024

Are the brackets glued to my teeth?

Yes! But not with the kind of glue you're imagining. A special orthodontic adhesive (also called bonding, glue, or cement) is placed in a specific location of the tooth (typically the center but can be higher or lower depending on the patient's specific treatment). Our orthodontist places the bracket on the adhesive and then uses a special blue light to set the adhesive. The brackets work as the foundation to your orthodontic treatment so it is very important to let us know if a bracket comes loose or off.

Does it hurt?

There is no pain involved in placing brackets so do not worry! After the braces are on and as the day progresses, some patients will complain about soreness but no pain.

How do I keep my mouth open?

Ever seen the game 'Watch ya Mouth'? The cheek retractor used in the game is very similar to the ones our orthodontists use (but ours are definitely more comfortable) This remains in your mouth while the assistant prepares your teeth for Dr. Borth or Choate. The preparation involves cleaning, priming, and drying each tooth.

When does the wire get added and what does it do?

When all the brackets have been placed on the teeth, an archwire is threaded through each set of brackets (upper and lower). The wire is then clipped at the ends to eliminate any poking in your cheeks or gums. The colored rubber bands (elastics), which are most patient's favorite part, are then tied to the wire at each bracket to help hold the wire in place. Archwires provide the force to gently move the teeth throughout treatment.

How often do I come back?

Over time, you'll need periodic adjustments to your braces. During these appointments, our orthodontists may replace the archwire with a thicker or thinner one to continue moving your teeth, replace or adjust elastic bands, or make other modifications to your braces.

Once your teeth have moved into the desired positions, the braces will be removed. You may need to wear a retainer for some time to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original positions.

That's it! Your braces are on. Quick, easy, and pain free!!

How long does the it take to get my braces on?

To place upper and lower braces, you expect to be at the office for 45 min. - 60 min. Pretty fast!

How do I find out if I'm ready for braces?

Contact us for your complimentary consultation so we can see if you are a candidate for braces and get your new smile journey started!

When to see your orthodontist?

April 24th, 2023

The American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) recommends that children be seen by an orthodontist starting at age 7. 

Why 7?

Starting at 6 years old, kids start to lose their baby (primary) front teeth or incisors and enter the mixed dentition, where primary teeth and permanent teeth are both present. Starting with the lower front teeth, kids will start to see their permanent teeth come in from age 6 to age 8. 

What would require treatment?

There are only a small number of issues that orthodontic intervention at an early age would be recommended. Issues such as a crossbite, where top and bottom teeth are crossed, having to shift the jaw in order to bite, or early loss of primary teeth that creates spacing issues for other permanent teeth to come in are a few. Most things can be monitored by the orthodontist to make sure everything develops normally.

If treatment is required, that does not always mean braces are required. There are often different treatment options for different issues. Treatment times vary, but generally treatment at this age lasts anywhere from 12 to 18 months depending on what is required.  

 At what age do all the permanent teeth come in?

Everyone grows and develops differently, but generally adult teeth are in by around 12 years of age.

If you feel like something looks off or a dentist recommends your child be seen by an orthodontist, don't hesitate to come see us, we will be happy to take a look to make sure everything is developing in a healthy way! Consultations at our office are complimentary!

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October 10th, 2022

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